It’s a 2-Way Traffic Signal Controller using 8051 microcontroller. It controls 6 lights (2 red, 2 yellow and 2 green) for 2-Way Traffic. It is an interesting and another basic learning project for student and hobbies.
In this project 8051 microcontroller controls 6 traffic lights of 2-Way traffic. A fixed time is assigned to each green signal of each way. This is also simple project that uses 6 LEDs of 3 colors, 8051 microcontroller and an optional 5V power supply regulator part. It’s algorithm is as follows
1- Initially microcontroller will switche on both red LED lights of both ways and switches off all other LED lights of both ways.
2- Then wait for time defined by RESET_DELAY.
3- Now start servicing way 0 by switching yellow LED light of that way. Give delay of defined by YELLOW_DELAY.
4- Now switch off red and yellow LED lights of way 0 and switch on green of that way. Wait for green way 0 as defined by GREEN0_DELAY.
5- Switch off green and switch on yellow LED light for way 0. Give delay of defined by YELLOW_DELAY.
6- Switch off yellow and switch on red LED lights for way 0. Give delay of defined by RED_DELAY.
7- Now servicing of way 0 is complete and it is the time to service 2nd way that is way 1. Similarly we repeat steps from 2 to 6 for way 1 also.
8- After servicing of way 1 we once again start from way 0 as discussed earlier.
For basic operation & components used in an 8051 based microcontroller based systems see
8051 Basic LED Flasher.
// Start of code. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company : Micro Digital // // Address : Office # C7 Raza Plaza // // DAV College Road // // Rawalpindi, // // Pakistan. // // Programmed By : Rashid Mehmood // // Project Name : 2-Way Traffic Light Controller // // Crystal : 24.000000 MHz // // Microcontroller : AT89C2051-C51-C52-C55-S2051-S51-S52 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Header file for AT89x051 microcontrollers regiter definitions. #include <AT89x051.h> sbit R0 = P1^0; sbit Y0 = P1^1; sbit G0 = P1^2; sbit R1 = P1^3; sbit Y1 = P1^4; sbit G1 = P1^5; void delay_ms(unsigned int del) { unsigned int i,j; for(i = 0; i < del; i ++) for(j = 0; j < 1275; j ++); } #define RESET_DELAY 1000 // (aprox 1 second) #define RED_DELAY 1000 // (aprox 1 second) #define YELLOW_DELAY 1000 // (aprox 1 second) #define GREEN0_DELAY 2000 // (aprox 2 second) #define GREEN1_DELAY 3000 // (aprox 3 second) void main() { // Initialize all lights//////// // Switch on all red signals. R0 = R1 = 0; // Switch off all other signals. Y0 = Y1 = G0 = G1 = 1; delay_ms(RESET_DELAY); //////////////////////////////// while(1) { // First service way 0.//////////////////// // Switch on yellow of way 0. Y0 = 0; delay_ms(YELLOW_DELAY); // Switch off red and yellow of way 0 and // switch on green of way 0. R0 = 1; Y0 = 1; G0 = 0; delay_ms(GREEN0_DELAY); // Switch off green of way 0 and // switch on yellow of way 0; G0 = 1; Y0 = 0; delay_ms(YELLOW_DELAY); // Switch off yellow of way 0 and // switch on red of way 0; Y0 = 1; R0 = 0; delay_ms(RED_DELAY); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Now service way 1.//////////////////// // Switch on yellow of way 1. Y1 = 0; delay_ms(YELLOW_DELAY); // Switch off red and yellow of way 1 and // switch on green of way 1. R1 = 1; Y1 = 1; G1 = 0; delay_ms(GREEN0_DELAY); // Switch off green of way 1 and // switch on yellow of way 1; G1 = 1; Y1 = 0; delay_ms(YELLOW_DELAY); // Switch off yellow of way 1 and // switch on red of way 1; Y1 = 1; R1 = 0; delay_ms(RED_DELAY); ///////////////////////////////////////// } } // End of code.
This code can also be executed on AT89C2051 microcontroller a small brother of AT89C51.