Electrical & electronics engineering students and professionals often need to calculate resistor values from it’s color bands or colors from resistor value. This smart tool in your pocket can help you in finding resistor value from colors or colors from value. Wherever you are, in class room, LAB, field or in the market for purchasing different resistors with different color bands, this handy tool will help you. So, there is no need to remember codes. It supports 4, 5 and 6 bands resistors. It requires no special permissions.
This smart and free app will do this work for you.
How It Works?
Colors To Value Calculation
Tap a color band to change it’s color. In the following figure current value of resistor is 47K Ohm.
Suppose we want to change this value by changing it’s colors as
- 1st most significant color to brown.
- 2nd most significant color to green.
- 3rd most significant color to black.
- 4th most significant color to orange.
- 5th most significant color to brown.
- 6th most significant color to blue.
Now we tap 1st most significant color and following color selection list will appear.
We select our 1st color brown from list. Now, color list will disappear and main screen will reflect this change and will show 1st color changed to brown as shown in the following figure.
Now, tap 2nd most significant color to change it’s color to green. Again color list will appear for 2nd band as shown below
We select green color from list and main screen will reflect the change as shown bellow
Here, we want 3rd color as black that is already black. So, we just leave it and move to next band that is 4th most significant band.
Tap 4th color and select orange color from color list that is shown below
Similarly, change next two colors 5th and 6th and finally we will find these results. Results show that this resistor is of 150K Ohm with 1% tolerance and 10ppm/C temperature coefficient.
Value To Colors Finding
Now, there is second case where we want to find out colors against a resistor value. Suppose, we want to find out colors against 10000 Ohm or 10K Ohm resistor. Enter value 10000 in the resistor input box as shown below
Note: Entered value will be considered in Ohm not K Ohm or M Ohm.
Now, tap/press “Done” button and app will show colors against 10000 Ohm/ 10K Ohm resistor as shown below.
Download this app from Google Play. Enjoy! this free app.
We have designed this app at our best. We have tested it so many times but use it at your own risk. We will not responsible for any kind of loss in any form due to this app. If you find any bug or defect then please inform us at udigital.solutions@gmail.com. If you have any suggestions please, email us. We will be happy to hear from you.