It’s an Electronic Dice Game using 8051 microcontroller (Have a Peek Here). It is an interesting and basic learning project for student and hobbies. It describes how can we interface 8051 port pins for input and output.
It is a project that builds microcontroller programming interest in new student and hobbies. This project is a very simple one that can easily be built by new students. It uses 7 LEDs, 8051 microcontroller and an optional 5V power supply regulator part. It’s algorithm is also very simple.
1) Initially microcontroller displays 1 on LEDs display just like in real dice.
2) Then in main while loop it waits for switch attached to pin 0 of port 1 to be pressed.
3) Until switch remains pressed it generates random number from 1 to 6 and displays it on LEDs.
4) When button is released it generates and display a new random number on LEDs.
5) It repeats from step 2 to step 5 until power is applied to the system.
For further information of components and basic 8051 microcontroller circuit please visit
8051 Basic LED Flasher.
// Start of code. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company : Micro Digital // // Address : Office # C7 Raza Plaza // // DAV College Road // // Rawalpindi, // // Pakistan. // // Programmed By : Rashid Mehmood // // Project Name : Electronic Dice using 8051 // // Crystal : 24.000000 MHz // // Microcontroller : AT89C2051-C51-C52-C55-S2051-S51-S52 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Header file for AT89x051 microcontrollers regiter definitions. #include <AT89x051.h> // Header file for random number generation functions. #include <stdlib.h> sbit Led1 = P1^1; sbit Led2 = P1^2; sbit Led3 = P1^3; sbit Led4 = P1^4; sbit Led5 = P1^5; sbit Led6 = P1^6; sbit Led7 = P1^7; // This function halts execution for // specified milliseconds. void delay_ms(unsigned int del) { unsigned int i,j; for(i = 0; i < del; i ++) for(j = 0; j < 1275; j ++); } // Rename or define P1.0 as Switch. sbit Switch = P1^0; // This function displays an integer value from // 0 to 6 on LEDs. void Display(char Value) { // Switch off all LEDs. Led1 = Led2 = Led3 = Led4 = Led5 = Led6 = Led7 = 1; switch(Value) { case 1: Led4 = 0; break; case 2: Led1 = Led7 = 0; break; case 3: Led1 = Led4 = Led7 = 0; break; case 4: Led1 = Led3 = Led5 = Led7 = 0; break; case 5: Led1 = Led3 = Led4 = Led5 = Led7 = 0; break; case 6: Led1 = Led2 = Led3 = Led5 = Led6 = Led7 = 0; break; } } // Define macro or formulae for random number // generation from 1 to 6. #define GetRandomNumber() ((rand() % 6) + 1) void main() { char RandomNumber; Switch = 1; Display(1); srand(50); while(1) { // Wait until switch is pressed. while(Switch); // Until switch is released. while(!Switch) { // Generate random number. RandomNumber = GetRandomNumber(); // Display this number on LEDs. Display(RandomNumber); // Give some delay. delay_ms(10); } // Generate random number last time. RandomNumber = GetRandomNumber(); // Finally display this number on LEDs. Display(RandomNumber); } } // End of code.
This code can also be executed on AT89C2051 microcontroller a small brother of AT89C51.
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