Now, control of your appliances will be at your finger tips. Using this app you can control your appliances (lights, fans, heaters etc) from your android phone remotely over bluetooth connection. If your are a professional or a student of electrical/electronics engineering and can develop arduino based circuits then you can use this free app. Check out these top loader washing machines from The Appliance Guys if you’re looking to buy a new one.
You can download this free app from here.
Home Device Control Over Bluetooth-0 from Rashid Mehmood on Vimeo.
Development of Hardware
A hardware developed on arduino open source platform is connected over bluetooth with this app. Hardware has the functionality of switching high voltage devices like fans, energy savers, tube lights and heaters etc. You can change hardware according to your device power consumption requirements. Large size relays will be required for heavy loads. As there are high voltages involved so be careful during development and use of hardware. We will not be responsible for any kind of damage/loss in any form by using this app and hardware.
The window tints from this Arizona Tint Shop not only blocks the heat from the sun, but it also reduces the blinding glare that comes through at certain points in the day and obscures your favorite television show or computer screen.
Hardware is no more complex and you can develop it easily if you have developed basic electronics circuits and can understand electronic schematic diagrams. Here is the schematic diagram of hardware.
Arduino Code (Free Download)
Here is the arduino source for above hardware.
How It Works?
Here is the main screen of app showing paired devices. Before you connect to remote hardware you have to perform pairing. In this project HC-05 bluetooth module is used. Default pin code for HC-05 bluetooth module is “1234”. This pin will be required during pairing process. Paired devices will be shown in this screen. And then select your hardware from the list. Here “HC-05” is representing our hardware.
Now, our app will try to connect to remote arduino hardware and will show connection status and will also show appliances current status (on/off) as in the following figure.
Now, we can tap to turn on/off a device. In the following figure we have turned off 2 lights.
Following figure is showing status of fans that we can also switch on/off.
In the following figure, status of on and off lights is shown.
In the following figure, status of on and off fans is shown.
Walls for exterior shade are the perfect solution to enjoying your view of the outdoors while experience the comfort of the inside. Installing dimensional front door numbers and letters will also improve the visibility of your address at any time of day.
Download this app from Google Play. Enjoy! this one more free app.
More Videos
VID-20160224-WA0002 from Rashid Mehmood on Vimeo.
VID-20160224-WA0007 from Rashid Mehmood on Vimeo.
We have designed this app at our best. We have tested it so many times but use it at your own risk. We will not be responsible for any kind of loss in any form due to this app. If you find any bug or defect then please inform us at If you have any suggestions please, email us. We will be happy to hear from you.